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Your search for "zoom" yielded 2122 hits

Why bother with blended learning?

Av maria [dot] esaiasson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Esaiasson) - publicerad 30 maj 2022 The use of technologies to support teaching was essential during the pandemic. But what can they do to support education at a campus university in ‘normal’ times? Here are four reasons why the university might want to plan strategically for the use of digital learning to enhance campus experien - 2024-12-27

Lunds universitets valexpertlista 2022

Publicerad 27 juni 2022 Här finner du några av universitetets statsvetare, ekonomer, historiker med flera, som kan kommentera dagsaktuella händelser eller ge långsiktiga analyser kring frågor som rör valet 2022.  Parlamentarism, partier och val (samtliga statsvetare) Hanna Bäck, hanna [dot] back [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (hanna[dot]back[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se), 046-222 01 61 Område: väljarbeteend - 2024-12-26